Who are we?


Mader Play Ltd. is a company founded in 1997 that was created to satisfy the demand in the national market to improve playgrounds and children’s recreational areas in our towns and cities. Our products favour the development of motor skills in children, while also providing the fun factor and promoting group participation.

Mader Play as a brand has been established with a well thought out product line that satisfies our clients with a careful and dedicated customer service evaluated by them.

The single most important element of the company is the team, made up of experts specializing in distinct areas such as administration, sales, R&D and manufacturing.

“Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 100% con recursos REACT UE, a través del Programa Operativo FSE 2014-2020 de Navarra, como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19”
“Enpresa honek laguntza jaso du, EBko REACT baliabideek % 100ean konfinantzatua, Nafarroako EGIF 2014-2020 Programa Operatiboaren bidez, COVID-19aren pandemiaren aurrean Europako Batasunak izandako erantzunaren zati gisa”