Floor surfaces

Safety surfaces - Floor surfaces - Mader Play


Safety surfaces constitute a hugely important part of a playground, given that most serious injuries are to the head. As a consequence all our available surfaces are subject to norm 177:2009 one aspect of this norm is to address head injuries (HIC).

→ see Safety surfaces

Decorative Floor Surfaces - Floor surfaces - Mader Play


Solutions for different floor covering materials, designs and eg. Tree grilles, roundabouts, parks,walkways, etc.

→ see Decorative Floor Surfaces

Rubber accessories - Floor surfaces - Mader Play


These are games integrated into the impact absorbing play surface making use of floor space. Made with high quality EPDM using monocomponent polyurethane resin to cement the rubber.

→ see Rubber accessories

Thermoplastic Paint Decorative - Floor surfaces - Maderplay


Having to look at dark and dull surface does not give much inspiration to your life. So why not apply colours to the surfaces and make them more spectacular and beautiful?

→ see Thermoplastic Paint Decorative

“Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 100% con recursos REACT UE, a través del Programa Operativo FSE 2014-2020 de Navarra, como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19”
“Enpresa honek laguntza jaso du, EBko REACT baliabideek % 100ean konfinantzatua, Nafarroako EGIF 2014-2020 Programa Operatiboaren bidez, COVID-19aren pandemiaren aurrean Europako Batasunak izandako erantzunaren zati gisa”